-r 12, 2014 The Plain Dealer cleveland.com A3 Saturday, April Courts Prosecutors Access sought to computer RACHAEL DISSELL Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge Brian Corrigan heard Friday from prosecutors and defense attorneys arguing over whether Bedford Municipal Court Judge Harry Jacob III should have to hand over a password to an encrypted portion of his computer. Corrigan, who said there was virtually no "on point" law to guide his decision-making, said he would give his ruling in writing within two weeks. Assistant County Prosecutor want password info of judge facing prostitution charges asked Corrigan Meyer said prosecutors expect hand over the the laptop to be "crucial" evidence initial search of in the case and expect that access turned over to the encrypted portion of the that he visited laptop will provide more inforadvertise pros- mation about the activities of the judge. charges in- Corrigan questioned whether of promoting prosecutors really know specifisoliciting sex cally what they are looking for or what will be found on the proargue he should tected portion of the hard drive. over infor- "We strongly suspect what is which behind that password-protected Fifth Amend- portion," Meyer said.
He said self-incrimi- that since web browser history and emails are not on the portion investigators searched, they expect them to be found on the encrypted portion. Defense attorney David Grant said prosecutors have not proven that they know what would be on the encrypted portion of the hard drive. "It's utter speculation as to what's in the encrypted portion," he said. Grant said his client should not be forced to give information that would essentially acknowledge that he knows what files are on the encrypted portion of the laptop he turned over. Fire ONE EVENT OC 4 PHOTOGRAPHS BY MARVIN FONG I THE PLAIN DEALER from a fire inside a trailer at the Cleveland Velodrome on Broadway futility: Trailer set Burglars couldn't get to the bicycles and torched a trailer, according back door, crawled in and saw the bikes locked up behind a floor-toceiling cage.
"They spent half an hour breaking in and saw all the stuff, but they couldn't get any of it," he said. "So I guess they decided 'we'll get these guys' and set it on fire." Burkholder, surrounded by racing jerseys grayed by ash and soot hanging on the walls and melted ventilation registers dangling like drapes from the ceiling, said the suspects used Duraflame logs they found in the trailer to set the fire in a changing room. Gary Burkholder views damage Cycle of Velodrome rep says burglars mad over unreachable bikes CORY SHAFFER Gary Burkholder turned as he removed a steel security bar from the front door, pushed it open and disarmed the chirping security system. "You can come in," he hesitated, "but you're probably going to smell like smoke." He flipped on the lights, illuminating the charred insides of the modest, white trailer that serves as a portal to the galactic-looking Cleveland Velodrome, a banked, Olympic-sized cycle-racing track at 5033 Broadway Ave. Sometime before 5 a.m.
Monday, burglars torched the trailer after breaking in and making off with an outdated desktop computer. Today, volunteers will meet at the velodrome to begin the cleanup process, which includes gutting the paneling and carpet from the trailer and cleaning about 30 single-speed, fixed-gear bicycles that escaped with just smoke damage. Burkholder, secretary of Fast Track Cycling, the nonprofit that built and runs the velodrome, said the burglars used a crowbar and a scrap piece of lumber to pry up the bottom corner of the under 18 years old use the track for free. That relationship paid off Monday, when a woman who lives across from the velodrome called Burkholder's cellphone about 4:45 a.m., warning him that she heard a hammering sound coming from the trailer. Minutes later, as Burkholder pulled up, smoke began billowing out of the top of the trailer.
"The damage would have been much, much worse if I hadn't been called," Burkholder said. The trailer has been broken into before. Last summer a young teenager whose picture was featured in a promotional brochure busted a window on the back door, reached in and unlocked the door, and stole $100 from a donation jar. After that, Burkholder said, the group added a security alarm system, steel bars on the doors and metal grates over the other win- Avenue. on fire still trying to start its 2014 season May 1.
dows. But it still wasn't enough to keep Monday's burglars out, and Burkholder has been talking with neighbors about installing lights. "We're trying to have a positive impact on this community, and it's frustrating, to say the least, that this has happened," Burkholder said. "But this is just a random incident that is not indicative at all of this community as a whole." Burkholder said the group is but took an old computer to a velodrome spokesman. "Note to self: Do not leave firestarting materials in your trailer," Burkholder said.
Fire investigators have not yet formally ruled if the case was an arson, Cleveland Fire department spokesman Larry Gray said, and a motive remains unclear. The velodrome opened in 2012 and is one of only 29 in the country, according to USA Cycling. Since then, the board of Fast Track Cycling has worked with its neighbors and partnered with the Boys and Girls Club of America, Ohio City Bike Co-Op and other organizations, and lets children Politics La Tourette PAC spends $39K to back Joyce SABRINA EATON month, LaTourette's group spent SuperPAC's spending is needed to cans, a building trades union. It $44,000 on a mailing to oppose counteract money from conserva- has also collected $150,000 Union from Lynch. tive groups like Club for Growth, the Laborers International WASHINGTON A SuperPAC La Tourette's group has also which recruit and fund challeng- of North America and $100,000 that former congressman Steve spent $200,000 to aid the re- ers for incumbent Republican from the Laborers' Political LaTourette founded to help election of Idaho GOP Rep.
Mike congressmen they deem insuffi- League Education Fund. moderate GOP incumbents fend Simpson, who served on the ciently conservative. Such alliances have led conseroff Tea Party challenges spent House Appropriations Committee The fact that LaTourette's Su- vative commentators to call for mailing this month with both LaTourette and Joyce. perPAC has raised most of its House Republican Leader Eric $39,550 on a to support the re-election of La- Simpson is facing a conservative publicly disclosed cash from labor Cantor of Virginia and GOP Whip Tourette's handpicked successor, challenge from attorney Bryan unions has upset some other GOP Kevin McCarthy of California to Russell Township Republican Smith. organizations, who denounce the boycott an event another LaToRep.
Dave Joyce. When asked about the expen- former Bainbridge Township urette organization is hosting in An April 9 filing at the Federal ditures from LaTourette's group. congressman and his group as Florida this weekend. Election Commission reveals that Lynch says he thinks they'll help "RINOs" Republicans In Name The pair and several dozen Street SuperPAC" has now spent is the real conservative in the Records show Defending Main are scheduled to attend a policy LaTourette's "Defending Main his cause by demonstrating Lynch Only. other GOP members of Congress a total of $83,550 on mailings in race.
Lynch is endorsed by Tea Street collected $250,000 each retreat weekend organized by a the GOP primary battle between Party organizations including last year from the International Republican Main Street Partnerand state Rep. Matt Lynch Freedom Works for America. Union of Operating Engineers ship offshoot called "Main Street Joyce of Bainbridge Township. Last LaTourette's camp argues his and Working for Working Ameri- Advocacy." Marcs. Fresh Samar.
Smart Ling. Farm Fresh Produce, Best Bri Monte Lad Golden Ripe Jumbo Pineapple 2 for. $500 we the no 3 DAYS ONLY! Quality In Town! Red or Yellow Peppers Matthew Meyer to compel Jacob to password after an the computer Jacob revealed evidence websites known to titution. Jacob faces felony cluding bribery, prostitution and from three women. His attorneys not be forced to hand mation the password could violate his ment right against nation.
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