DAYTON DAILY NEWS M-20 FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1016. PIONEER OBSERVES 95TH BIRTHDAY 11 "HZ" FOR Til II IE FEE! These Clothes Fit Well, Wear Well, Last Well, Use "Tiz" for puf fed-up, burning, aching, calloused feet and corns. And Are Extra Big Values For Your Money "H.pp,l Hptrt Um 'T12'" Fifty fcucMa attended a Mrihiliiy upper Riven Thursday cvcnlnK lu celebration of the ntnoty-flftJi lilrili-day unnivertmry of J. Knslcy, pioneer resident of Montgomery county, 'J'he affair took place ulMils homo on tlie now Troy jiiko. Mr.
Knsloy wan horn May 1ft, 1821, hU first homo being a lo euhln about five miles north of Dayton on 'the Frederick pike. A brick house built hy bin father whrn Mr. Kinsley Was five yours of hko Mill Mauda on what is known ms tho farm, Mr. Knsley whh murrletl in 1849 to Ann Kebceoa Jnill, who died In 1905, l'lve ehlldren Mill are living, being Mix Jones, Mrs. William Hrent-liiiKor and H.
F. KnHley, all of whom redden near the old homentotid, Mr. William Kearns of 315 Salem avenue tind J. KnMey of lmyton. Mr.
Knsley has heen a member of the Kbcncaer MolhodiM church for nearly 70 years. Jle has voted for IS jireMdentM. his lust hallot being cast lor William II. Taft. 11c has vivid recollection of events of many yeai's ago and can talk entertainingly of occurrences of his boyhood days.
They're the best suits ever produced by the Fashion Park Tailors at Rochester it I .4 i $20 $25 $30 The first thing you expect of a suit of clothes is th.t it should fit you well then, that it should wear well and give good service after those considerations are assured you want to lie certain that the price is fair and low. You may alter the order of those points if you prefer, but you must agree that these clothes conform to all of them. You know this store well enough to appreciate our care on these pointsyou know the reputation of the makers well enough to know that they strive for the very same ideals. As a plain proposition of good business, these clothes deserve your most serious consideration they're Rood clothes to buy, wear and own. Be sure and investigate the merits of the displays at $20, $25, $30.
Why go limping around with aching, puffed-up feet feet so tired, chafed, Bore and swollen you tan hardly get your shoes on or off? Why don't you get a 25-cont box of "Tiz" from the drug store now and gladden your tortured feet? 'Tiz" makes your feet glow with comfort; taken down swellings and drawa tho soreness and misery right out of feet that chafe, smart and burn. "Tiz" instantly stops pain in corns, callouses and bunions. "Tiz" Is glorious for tired, aching, sore feet. Xo more shoe tightness no more foot torture. Capital City Chat A vl Ml rU i- v' i 1 Pjieelal to The Imily News.
CULUMHUH, May 10. Sttll another candidate for nomination for I', S. nenator and probably tho to certified, filed hln nomination papers with the secretary of state yesterday afternoon 10. K. Cael, a stock dialer and dairyman of Mutter, lliehland county.
He is a Republican tuul asks to be made tho candidate of that party, hut bases his candidacy on his protest against the slaughter cattle In the muiprrssion of the foot and mouth disease. He claims that it llercs Speedy Relief from Kidney Troubles Extra Special Values in Men's and Young Men's Splendid Suits at $15 You may plan spending that amount that decision is perfectly prudent, provided you get the clothes at a store that strives earnestly to deliver big values. You know a store of that kind if you don't you WILL when you see these clothes at $15. Reliability and dependability have been specially emphasized as having style, wear and fabric beauty. See the suits in our window at jf i "Poler Kidney Fill have dona ma lieap of good." A.
X. Bartlatt, Brock, ton, Mas. Some days It seems as If you can no longer bear tho pain and misery you suffer from kidney and bladder troublo. The ache acroua your back grows worea with every mova you make, and with, every step you take. It not only robs you of all your (strength and energy, but It affects the other Important organs of the body as wcIL Nervousness, hcad-rche, disordered stomach, liver troublo, liad eyesight, are only soma of the conditions that follow kidney trouble.
Foley Kidney Fills help the sick wmIc kidneys to their normal healthy ft.ite and activity. When they areapain able to do their work effectively, your system is no longer choked and blocked with poisonous wngte matter. Yiur symptoms clear your weariness, Pain, misery and weakness ko away. Foley Kidney Fills can do you also heap of food." John W. Miller, E.
Third St. and a 6. Wain St i -J. i ti -i ijfc di u.c a Great Stock of "Pinch Back" Suits The Pinch Hack suit stylo is pcttting rcmcntlotiHly popular lots of real style cliaracter altotit them that, few style innovations have possessed they have the happy faculty of looking well on men of nil builds. Oreat stock of Pinch Pack anil Sport Uncle Hiiits hereevery good fabric and a range, of prices that brings them within every man's income.
Seo tho Pinch Packs iu our window at $10 $15 $20 was unnecessary and cost tho cattle ow ners of the country eighteen million dollars. The booming times are beginning to be reflected now in the Incorporation papers that are being filed in the office of the secretary of state. In the last three months there have been new corporations formed not only In a great increase as to numbers, but with, unusually largo capital stock. In that time not less than a half dozen have been filed with capital in excess of a million dollars. Yesterday there was incorporated the Ubby-Owens hcct Glass company of Toledo with six million dollars capital stock, for which the company paid into the state treasury the sum of $6000 as the price of the charter.
litigation growing out of a local option election the first to reach the supreme court In many months, was filed there yesterday, on error to tho court of appeals of Union county. The vote In question was taken in the village of Kichwood In January, 1915. The wets won the election by a single vote, but the drys claimed that five dry votes that were rejected as do. fectivo, were not so but should have been counted. Tho court of appeals held for the wets.
The monument to Governor Thomas Klrker that the state has erected In the Klrker cemetery in Adams county, will be dedicated June 30. It was originally planned to-' have the dedication on Memorial day, but it will not be finished by that date. It is planned to have addresses by Gov-ernor Wllli and former Governors Campbell, Harmon and Cox. Senators Pomerene and Harding will also be Invited to attend. Though a slight reduction In the number of deathn from tuberculosis Is now beginning to be shown by vital statistics reports of Ohio, after near-ly ten years of organized warfare against the white plague, the result! are plainly not what they were ex.
pected to be when the fight was be k.y it I p. 4 4 tifi Ik i "Blue Beauty" Serge Suits $15, $20, $25 Correct, refined, becoming styles that will give to your appearance that individuality a 1:4 that marks tho will dressed man. See display it) our window. in "tit MaKf.i AMa i Metropolitan Trousers, $3, $4, $5 When a man buys a pair of trousers he has a right to expect that they fit well, wear well and cost a fair price. You're expecting TOO IJT-TliH of Metropolitan trousers when that's all you ask of them they'll make good on those points and in any more.
See tho trousers in our window-43, $4, $5. V' I' I i PI Come to The Eagle I'ii'lr onv oaririiit. from Saturday 'f Qua! it Corner Ludlow at fourth uOurWndosJeir' Lvenings roit ci niak'ii ti email deposit ami thw garment is )uurn went ti. i is the modern way of buy- if mi' ciotnes. gun.
Dr. O. Frobst, formerly secretary of the state board of health and for years prominent In the fight against the spread of tuberculosis, says that is due to the fact that It Is the early stages of the disease that it is curable, and when it has made prononunced progress the chances for anything more than Improvement are not very good. And he says that the failure to detect cases of tuberculosis in the incipient and -easily curable stages la due to two principal things cowardice and ignorance. Many persons falling victims of the disease fail to note Uie unmistakable symtoms because they do not know the nature of the disease.
Others who do note the symptoms and fear that they have contracted thedisoaso fail to consult a physician regarding the matter fearing that they will hear from him the verdict "tuberculosis." Because so many owners of automobiles are dodging taxation on them here by returning them at values ridiculously low, the taxation officials co-operating with the local automo-mile club owners have adopted a standard scale of values with which 1 ii to lio coiiHiiined. No greater of melons was ever enjoyed than that to be Nerved at Cincinnati, and iu belter opportunity was ever affordel lu JikIko of t'e two localities as melon, producing states. tloiiH. Inasmuch I be fruit: In to bo eiinmimed at a certain time the ripeat find best melons in the field of Texm and CicorKla will be picked, prieked in lco mid went to Cincinnati, by fattt frclnlit, timed to arrive on tho day It tion, will jrlvo a srent fet of Texas melons at Coney lidund on Wednesday of convention week, They, too, will serve HO, 000 poundN of luscious fruit, find the viKlUnif Holurlans will bo the jiidfres of iiuallty between the two hoc- supplying 90,000 pounds of melon. Theso will be cut by Georgia glrlH and served by (ieorgia darkies.
Tho delegation from all Texan, which will come to Cincinnati by special train to attend the conven producing states forever Nettled, during the convention of the International Association of liotary clubs it Cincinnati, July 16-20. Atlanta, will (five a Rattlesnake' nicloa party on Monday of tho convention, hi There are hundreds of thing's in your home that a all assessors have been provided and will be required to use In revising the values put on machines by their owners. The descriptions of the machines will be compared with those given In the registration in order to avoid deception by erroneous listing. The scale puts down 1916 machines bought before January 1, 1916, at 70 per cent of the list price, and those bought after that date at 80 per cent of the list price; 1915 machines are to be valued at 60 per cent of the list price, 19H at 00 per cent of list price, 1913 ma. chlnea at 40 per cent of the list price, 1912 at 30 per cent and 1911 at 20 per cent Where the machines have been specially damaged special allowances are to be made for it.
Will make bright, new looking and "attractive again Take an old floor that is shabby and badly worn and see how quickly Calac will make it look like hardwood. (W coat of Calac on marreel and scratched furniture brings back the factory newness. On woodwork, painted or unpointed, Calac will make it match your floor or fur Though the city of Columbus by reason of the voting down of all bond issues recently is financially "busted" niture. Calac transforms in a iiffy. Easy to use one coa 'oat stains and varnishes complete.
Stands the hard wear. Dries with a high gloss. filen or Women Everybody is welcome to take advantage of our liberal credit offer. Clothes fcr every member of the family at the lowest prices obtainable. THE and is cutting down expenses on all sides, the city solicitor has ruled that Hade in fourteen colors for every surface in the home.
Here they are: Clear, Oak, Dark Oak, Cherry, Mahog-anv, Green, Walnut, Flat White, Gloss White, Flat Black, Gloss Black, Gold, Aluminum and Ground Color. Ask for color card showing the li attractive eolors. CUT THIS OUT! Bring it to our store and get a SAMPLE OF CALAC FREE. The Irvin, Jewell Vinson Company. 17 E.
THIRD. NEAR MAIN. it has to pay for $14,000 worth of noting houses that tho board of election has bought he holding that the city has no control over tho purchases of the board of elections and must pay for what the board deem.s necessary for the proper conduct of tho elections and purchases. The Irvin, Jewell Vinson Co. 17 E.
Third Near Main Anchor Watch our windows for the newest ideas in painting. FEAST OF MELONS AWAITS ROTAR1ANS Special to the Dally News. May 21 One hundred and eighty thousand pounds of 'great red, ripe, juicy watermelon will be devoured and the rival claims of Georgia and Texas as watermelon 414 E. Fifth St East of Brown Open Evenings. 2 UtZ.