Bexar County Civil Court (2025)

1. Civil | Bexar County, TX - Official Website

  • Civil Filing · Civil Court Schedule · Monitoring Court · ADR Docket

  • Civil District Courts are courts that handle civil cases, such as disputes between individuals, businesses, or organizations, seeking to resolve legal conflicts and provide remedies for various civil matters within their jurisdiction.

2. Civil District Courts | Bexar County, TX - Official Website

  • Civil District Court Administration · 37th Civil District Court · 438th Civil District Court

  • View information and contact he judges sitting on each of the Civil District Courts.

3. Bexar County Civil District Courts | Texas Law Help

  • 24 feb 2023 · The Bexar County Civil District Courts are in the Bexar County Courthouse 100 Dolorosa, San Antonio, Texas 78205.

  • Learn the virtual court procedures, who you need to contact, and more about the Bexar County District Courts.

4. Courts and Offices - San Antonio Bar Association

5. Bexar County Courts at Law - Texas Law Help

  • 24 feb 2023 · This guide contains information on Bexar County Civil Courts at Law Numbers 1-15. ... Bexar County Court 2, as part of the presiding criminal ...

  • Learn the virtual court procedures, who you need to contact, and more about the Bexar County Courts at Law.

6. Bexar County Civil Court Judge Survey - San Antonio Bar Association

  • Our members include law firm decision-makers, court administrators and judges, and the most engaged and successful members of the legal community in San Antonio ...

7. What is Bexar County Presiding Court? - The Locke Law Group

  • 26 feb 2024 · There, the Presiding Judge for that month will (re-)assign your case to one of the fourteen Bexar County Civil District court judges that hear ...

  • Other counties assign a case to a specific court when the initial documents are filed. Bexar County, however, follows a centralized docketing system. Read our blog to learn how the centralized docketing system works in Bexar County.

8. Bexar County Court Live Streams

  • Texas Court Live Streams ; County Magistrate Court, Bexar County ; Alvarez, 45th District Court, Bexar County ; Arteaga, 57th District Court, Bexar County ; Boyd ...

9. Bexar County District Court Records & Case Search | Texas - UniCourt

  • The District Court Clerk is the Hon. Gloria A. Martinez. The Office of the District Courts Clerk is located in the Paul Elizondo Tower at 101 W Nueva, Suite 217 ...

  • Search public court records in Bexar County District Court, TX. Lookup court cases, access docket information, case summaries, court documents, lawsuit filings, opinions, and tentative rulings.

10. Understanding Bexar County's “Presiding System” for Civil Courts

  • 16 jul 2018 · Under the Bexar County Presiding system, every pretrial hearing is scheduled on a centralized docket, irrespective of the court designated when ...

  • Bexar County is among the handful of Texas court systems that uses a rotating or "Presiding System". Understanding how the docket works is critical.

11. [PDF] First Amended Bexar County Civil District Courts COVID-19 ...

  • This plan replaces the First Amended. Bexar County Civil District Courts COVID-19 Operations Plan (issued April 2, 2020). Pursuant to the various emergency ...

12. Records show disparity in how often civil judges are available to assist ...

  • 21 nov 2023 · ... Bexar County civil district court judges are available to assist the presiding court. The records raise questions about whether some judges ...

  • A months-long probe by KSAT Investigates raises questions about whether some judges have been forced to take on additional workload.

13. Bexar District Court Plan - View Indigent Defense Plan


  • Bexar District Court Plan

14. Bexar County Texas Court Directory |

  • Bexar County Texas Court Directory. The Texas trial court system consists of District Courts, Criminal District Court, Constitutional County Courts, ...

  • Bexar County court record and case directory. Court Reference shows where and how to find court cases in Bexar County. Listing of all trial courts in Bexar County.

15. [PDF] Bexar County Courts - ProDoc eFiling

  • Documents requiring a date stamp submitted as Lead document with exhibits as attachments. Service of process. Add the Civil Process Request Form as an ...

16. 144th District Court of Bexar County in San

  • Is this your business? Enhance it for greater exposure. Make sure your information is up-to-date. Related Businesses.

  • 144th District Court of Bexar County hours, location, products and services :

Bexar County Civil Court (2025)


How to file an answer to a civil suit in Texas? ›

To file online, go to E-File Texas ( [11] and follow the instructions. To file in person, take your answer (and copies) to the district clerk's office in the county where the plaintiff filed the case. At the clerk's office: Turn in your answer form (and copies).

How to file a civil suit in Bexar County, Texas? ›

Filings and new suits must be filed electronically through a state-approved electronic filing service provider. A list can be found here:

Who is the civil clerk of the Bexar County court? ›

Lucy Adame-Clark is the first Latina and first woman elected as Bexar County Clerk.

How to file in Bexar County? ›

Choose an electronic filing service provider (EFSP) at An electronic filing service provider (EFSP) is required to help you file your documents and act as the intermediary between you and the system. For eFiling questions you may call 210-335-2496 or 855-839-3453.

How long do you have to answer a civil lawsuit in Texas? ›

In a county or district court, the defendant must answer “on or before 10:00 a.m. on the Monday next after the expiration of 20 days after the date of service thereof.” Tex. R. Civ.

What happens if you lose a civil lawsuit in Texas? ›

The winning party can always demand the money informally, but if they want to enforce the judgment legally, then they must go back to court for a separate proceeding to either a) garnish the losing party's wages; b) put a levy on their bank accounts; or c) get a lien on their personal property.In TX, you can't get a ...

How long does it take to file a civil suit in Texas? ›

Under the Texas Civil Statute of Limitations, parties have anywhere from one to five years to file a claim.

Can a civil suit be filed against a dead person Texas? ›

Directly suing a deceased individual isn't feasible, as they can't be legally pursued after death. However, it's possible to initiate legal action against their estate. Probate courts manage this process, using the deceased person's assets to address claims from creditors or compensate victims.

How can I protect my assets from a civil lawsuit in Texas? ›

One of the most common ways to do this is to incorporate as a limited-liability company (otherwise known as an LLC). This prevents someone who sues your company from going after your family's assets, as well. It also offers some help in the event you need to file for bankruptcy on behalf of your business.

How to file a small claims lawsuit in San Antonio, Texas? ›

Most San Antonio precincts allow you to file your small claims lawsuit through the following methods:
  1. In-person. You can go to the court you wish to file your small claims lawsuit and file the forms with a court clerk in person.
  2. Online. Some San Antonio precincts allow e-filing or electronic filing.
  3. By mail.

How do I find civil court cases in Texas? ›

You can access various court records through legal databases like Lexis, Westlaw, and Fastcase. State Law Library patrons can use Fastcase remotely to find final opinions for select Texas and federal appellate cases. Lexis and Westlaw are available at the library in person.

How much does a divorce cost in San Antonio, Texas? ›

To view fees, please select your fee schedule below.
Divorce or annulment w/no children$350.00
Divorce or annulment w/children$401.00
Removal of disabilities of minority (emancipation)$350.00
Enforcement of a foreign decree or support order$350.00
11 more rows

What is ISF in Bexar County? ›

Intermediate Sanctions Facility (ISF)

ISF is a modified therapeutic community that provides services designed to treat criminal thinking errors.

What is a writ of possession in Bexar County? ›

The Writ of Possession allows for the possession of the property, after a deputy has posted written notice notifying the tenant a writ has been issued. By law, we are required to give a minimum of 24 hours notice before enforcing the writ.

What does a county clerk do in Texas? ›

In addition to serving as clerk for county court and the county commissioners court, a county clerk records and keeps records pertaining to the county courts, county courts at law, real and personal property, and personal records.

How to write a response to a lawsuit? ›

On a separate page or pages, write a short and plain statement of the answer to the allegations in the complaint. Number the paragraphs. The answer should correspond to each paragraph in the complaint, with paragraph 1 of the answer corresponding to paragraph 1 of the complaint, etc.

How to file an answer to a debt lawsuit in Texas? ›

How Do You Fill Out an Answer Form?
  1. Step 1: Deny or Verify the Pleas From the Complaint. ...
  2. Step 2: Raise Your Defenses and Counterclaims. ...
  3. Step 3: Sign the Unsworn Declaration. ...
  4. Step 4: Fill Out the Certificate of Service. ...
  5. Step 5: File Your Forms With the Justice Court Clerk Within 14 Days.
Jan 10, 2024

What happens after the defendant files an answer in Texas? ›

After you answer, the court will set your case either for trial, or for a pre-trial hearing. At a pre-trial hearing, you can discuss any issues such as the need for an interpreter, or for the court to subpoena a witness (order them to come to trial to testify).

What happens if a defendant does not answer a complaint in Texas? ›

A default judgment is a type of court order that can be given to a plaintiff. A judge will issue a default judgment when a defendant fails to file an answer to the lawsuit or if they fail to appear in court. Court rules state that certain conditions must be met before a default judgment can be issued.

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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.